French social security contributions


There is no obligation to contribute to French expatriates funds. Social pensions, complementary retirement and unemployment schemes remain optional to all members.

French expatriates funds

You can subscribe to the French Social Security general retirement scheme through the CFE (Caisse des Français de l’Etranger, i.e.: French Expatriates Contributory Fund). Such affiliation thus enables you to keep contributing to the French retirement basic scheme: the Social Security Insurance Scheme.

The CFE shall consequently keep your individual retirement account updated.

Malakoff Humanis

Malakoff Humanis is the supplementary pension institution for expatriate employees and allows an individual contribution via their employer to the ARCCO (all-employee scheme) and the AGIRC (framework and assimilated scheme).

So, you can contribute to the French complimentary retirement scheme system and to therefore keep your rights even as expatriates.

Pole emploi

An Unemployment insurance is available to expatriates, through the POLE EMPLOI. Subscription to this particular insurance program enables its members to contribute to the unemployment insurance program prevailing in France, more precisely through the specific expatriates’ fund.

The employee must register to Pole Emploi at latest 12 months following the end of his overseas mission in order to qualify for employment benefits, provided that he has contributed for at least 18 months over the 24 last months preceding the end of such overseas mission.

The sum of employment benefits will be calculated according to the employee’s age and duration of his overseas mission.

You have some questions ? Need Advice ? Contact us for a final quotation of your overseas mission.